If this happens, please follow the below instructions:
1. First, check if the Sun or Moon heating symbol is showing. If not, it’s probably not cold enough to turn on.
2. If you think it should be cold enough to switch on, check if a temperature offset has been set. Also check if there are any factors that might be skewing the temperature reading – i.e., hot pipes or cold draught on the sensor. If the temperature is only out by 2 °C, it may be down to the radiator’s in-built temperature adjustment, which can be altered. (See attached.)
3. If the heating symbol is on and you've given it time to heat up and it's still cold, there is probably a fault. Please contact us directly for more information on next steps.
1. First, check if the Sun or Moon heating symbol is showing. If not, it’s probably not cold enough to turn on.
2. If you think it should be cold enough to switch on, check if a temperature offset has been set. Also check if there are any factors that might be skewing the temperature reading – i.e., hot pipes or cold draught on the sensor. If the temperature is only out by 2 °C, it may be down to the radiator’s in-built temperature adjustment, which can be altered. (See attached.)
3. If the heating symbol is on and you've given it time to heat up and it's still cold, there is probably a fault. Please contact us directly for more information on next steps.