When you first switch the TOD on, the thermostat will take you automatically to the clock setting. Use the + and - keys to adjust the flashing values and press tick to confirm. If you need to change the time in future, hold down the tick key for five seconds and follow process above.
The advanced settings menu includes the option to automatically adjust the time when the clocks change – this can be found in advanced function 3. Please note this function will only work correctly if you enter the correct date. You can also switch the clock display between 24h and 12h formats – advanced function 2.
Navigate to the advanced functions menu by holding down the tick key until you reach the time setting screen, then holding down tick for a further five seconds. Select the function you want to adjust with the – and + keys, press tick to confirm and then to modify.
To leave the menu, select the “End” function and press tick to confirm. See full guide to the advanced function menu attached.
Haverland TOD Programming Guide